Roger Irwin
Roger Irwin is a media and well-being facilitator with a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from University of Pennsylvania. As a project manager and experience designer, Roger focuses on fostering positive psychology and self-actualization through visual media. His writing explores how cinema, photography, and connectivity can be used as tools for well-being.
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Photos by Roger Irwin
At the End of a Hike
Roger Irwin
Muddy Boots
Roger Irwin
ATV Anticipation
Roger Irwin
Light at the End
Roger Irwin
Lunch Time
Roger Irwin
Sunset in Georgia
Roger Irwin
Traffic Haze
Roger Irwin
In the Heat of the Night
Roger Irwin
Summer Night in Domino Park
Roger Irwin
Walking to Dinner
Roger Irwin
The City From Above
Roger Irwin
Mom’s Birthday Cards
Roger Irwin
Sunset in the Smokey Mountains
Roger Irwin
Splashing in the Sun
Roger Irwin