Looking for Clothes

Due to climate change, natural disasters are continuously increasing in the World which is greatly affecting every human living on the Earth.
Storms and floods are increasing due to this climate change. Such a devastating storm took away everything from this Child’s life, the Child who lost everything in the devastating Cyclone ‘Yaas’ recently and he is looking for new Clothes at riverside behind the village. The clothes that Peoples left here for help from different parts of the Country.
I captured this photograph at a small Island (Ghoramara Island) of West Bengal in India. Ghoramara Island is an island 92 km south of Kolkata, India in the Sundarban Delta complex of the Bay of Bengal. The island is small, roughly five square kilometers in area, and is quickly disappearing due to erosion and Sea level rise.
Through this photograph I want to show the struggle to survive. All of us who are living happily in the world should be more aware of the sense of Humanity that we have and extend a helping hand to the people living our society in trouble, so that they too can be better & happier in this world with us.

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