A Reason to Hug

Dear Friends,

Here in the US we are mourning the loss of 19 students and 2 adults in a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. According to NPR, 27 school shootings have happened thus far in 2022. Our hearts go to everyone during these tumultuous times.

In occurances where there are wretched acts of violence and tragedy, writing newsletters about happiness can feel trivial or superficial. That being said, it is important to reflect upon the ways we can uplift our communities and strive for a future where heinous crimes have no place. With this in mind, you might be wondering:

How can I find happiness while simultaneously experiencing tragedy?

As a part of the human condition, our brains are wired to experience grief differently. It is important to honor and respect that friends and family all have their own natural way of processing conflicting emotions. 

What we all need today is love and support… 

HUGS by Cathy Newman
The ultimate happy moment. 

Hugs reduce stress and anxiety – we don’t really need research to tell us what we already know – but it is nice to know that science agrees according to a recent study published from Padua University in Italy: 

Dolefully we live in a world of Covid, now monkeypox, and endless other obstructions which prevent people from hugging each other. How can we encourage people to hug more? Additionally, why might hugs benefit women more than men as the study mentions? Do you agree?

Any suggestions would be welcome. Speaking of suggestions, we here at SeeingHappy would like to start a conversation with you, our subscribers.  We want to ask you to send us suggestions on how you photograph happiness, gratitude, and joy.

How do you photograph and turn sadness to something less?

We are a community dedicated to finding more joy, beauty, and goodness in the world. How do you feel we can reach even more people?  Your input is very  important to us. We will soon set up a “Suggestion Box” on our site.

Thank you all for being with us in our community.

Hugs to you all.

The SeeingHappy Team


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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