Exhibition Announcement + More

Dear SeeingHappy Community,

Last Call: Exhibition Opportunity in Mexico City

Exclusive Video Series: Zoey Zheng Interviews Mandy Seligman

Photographing Emotional States: The Future of Photography?

In March, a study titled Your Blush Gives You Away: Detecting Hidden Mental States with Remote Photoplethysmography and Thermal Imaging was published. This research highlights how advanced imaging techniques can detect subtle emotional shifts, opening up new possibilities in photography. Imagine if the photo at the top of this newsletter had the power to convey not just a moment, but the very emotions of that moment, through the lens.

The study found that combining remote photoplethysmography (r-PPG) with thermal imaging significantly improves the accuracy of detecting emotional states. This fusion of technology offers exciting prospects for the future of photography, especially in areas related to well-being. As we continue to explore how photography can touch the human spirit, studies like this remind us of the importance of human processes in capturing and understanding emotions.

Thank you for being a part of our SeeingHappy community. Together, we are not just capturing moments; we are capturing the essence of what it means to live a fulfilled life.

The Team at SeeingHappy

Recent Hope Captured By You:


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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