November: Exploring Community in and Outside of SeeingHappy

Dear Friends,

This week’s spotlight is sure to touch everyone’s heart – we could not resist this gorgeous pup. Thank you so much to Bryah Rose for sending us the snap.

Dog by Bryah Rose

Thanksgiving is just around the corner for those of us here in the US. Last year Covid kept so many families and friends apart that it really brought home to many of us just how important other people are in our lives. And not just our nearest and dearest, we also came to know how much we rely on people in our community. Without other people life is just so much lonelier and less fun; everything’s better when you have someone to share it with.

In anticipation of many happy Thanksgiving gatherings this year, we are asking you to send us photos of happy times with family, friends, and any physical surroundings that make you think of community (like your neighborhood). It doesn’t have to be just your happy time – it can be someone else’s notion of community which touches your heart that will also touch the hearts of our community. If you would like to add a photo to our “Community” collection, select the Community option when uploading your photos here.

Speaking of which- let’s talk about the SeeingHappy community: it has been six months since the launch of our website and we have been thrilled at the community we are establishing. We are constantly striving to reach more people and to spread our message of positivity and inclusiveness. New registrants will have seen that we ask only for your name and email, and to confirm that you meet our age requirement. We realize that any other information doesn’t serve any purpose except  to categorize people. We don’t believe in doing that, and instead want to further establish a community that includes anyone dedicated to spreading happiness and positivity in the world. We want people who want to unite our community. So far we are proud to say we are on our way to achieving that goal. We thank each and everyone of you for contributing with your unique selves and for the positivity each of you has brought. Please reply to this email if you have any suggestions as to how we can do a better job. 

Along this vein, this month we will be spotlighting a couple of special communities within the SeeingHappy community. Stay tuned. We have Russian teenagers who have shared their photos with us as well as Austrian teenagers who shared stories that highlighted what is best about themselves. There is more to come.


The SeeingHappy Team


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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