Submit a photo to the Beauty collection

Dear Friends,

Thank you again to all who have registered on our site in the last week and especially to those who have submitted photos 🙂

We love what we find beautiful and we find beautiful what we love. Beauty makes us happy – unfathomably. Life is just better when we surround ourselves with things and people we find beautiful. Awe is something beyond beauty. For those individuals lucky enough to experience awe it can be life changing. It is a spiritual awakening which henceforth gives our life meaning. But awe is not something we can plan for – it hits us occasionally if we are lucky. Beauty we can plan for. We can participate in crafting beauty and enjoy the results of another person’s creativity. It then connects us and augments our health, both physical and mental.

Take time to notice and appreciate something or someone you find beautiful. Take a photo, tag it “Beauty” and send it to us.

Last but not least, we have an Instagram page: Seeing.Happy and #seeinghappy for sharing our photos with a wider audience. Follow us 🙂

With many thanks,

The Team here at SeeingHappy


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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