Submit A Photo To The Gratitude Collection

Dear Friends,

Thank you again to all who have registered on our site in the last week and especially to those who have submitted photos. We have received some wonderful images and all make us happy. So thank you.

We also have been updating our site in response to your suggestions so we hope you will revisit. This time we have added more of the story of how SeeingHappy came about and also more of the scientific basis from the science of Positive Psychology. We hope that this helps you to see why and how you should use this site to better your own happiness.

Talking of using this site –

We have begun to see just how powerful the photo descriptions can be in connecting us to each other. We would like to urge everyone to tell more of the story of the photo when you submit. The team here is going to do the same!

Gratitude: The science of Positive Psychology tells us that living a life of gratitude greatly increases our own happiness. This makes a lot of sense because the act of saying “Thank you” benefits both the person saying it and the person receiving it. Gratitude lifts our own mood because it tells us that we are not alone, that there are other people out there we can rely on who have our backs. To the person who hears the thank you, it is life affirming. It means that their efforts have been seen and appreciated and valued. It means they matter. Living a life of gratitude makes the world a better place for everyone.

Let’s think about gratitude when we think about what makes us happy. Take a photo, tag it “Gratitude” and send it to us.

Finally, good news! Roger Irwin has joined the team for the summer. Roger is a student in media, culture, and communications at NYU and is going to help us develop an app for our smartphones and a presence on social media so that you can connect with each other more directly.

With many thanks,

The Team here at SeeingHappy


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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