Thank You

Dear friends,

This week we are celebrating the one year anniversary of SeeingHappy. Thank you to each and every one of you for sharing your happy photos and for helping us build such an extraordinary community.  

In cause of celebration, we are spotlighting the first photo to ever be posted on our site from May 1st, 2021:

HOPEFUL by Mandy Seligman
What comes next?

What first started as a facebook page during the pandemic quickly evolved into what we know today as Thus far, we have received photos from 1000+ subscribers and have amassed 4000+ photos!

The SeeingHappy Community

In the Past Year we Have:


Created a global happy feed

Weekly newsletters  presenting positive psychology and photography

Co-created special projects showcasing happiness from around the world

Participated and collaborated with the World Happiness Summit (WOHASU)

Launched an app platform – Download for iOS or Android

Developed an educational program for teaching positive psychology through photography

We are just getting Started.

Over the course of the summer we will be researching how to improve our platform so that we can continue to make people happier through the art of photography. 

Thanks again for seeing happy with us,

The Team at SeeingHappy


The team here at SeeingHappy are all photographers who enjoy the process of creating memorable photos. We are a mix of educators striving to share their knowledge and psychologists dedicated to increasing happiness in the world.

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