Hello SeeingHappy,
Welcome to my second post in the series that I call “Surfing on Waves of Wellbeing”. Spring has come. Let’s admire flowers!
I hope to inspire you to take a picture of the next flower which catches your eye, and to savor the sense of beauty you are experiencing.
I would like to start with the following quote from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:
If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows, in all the millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Every flower is a miracle.
The yellow marigold, the blue forget-me-not, the purple bluebell, the red poppy, the white apple blossom.
You can look at them endlessly,
smell them, and look for the sun through them.
Think of how they unfold.
During the first warmer days
flower buds appear.
When the sun shines longer,
the flowers develop fully.
One day and the whole world will be submerged in flowers.
Notice the colours of the rainbow on the flowers
and inflorescences:
On petals, stems, and leaves.
The colours are above your head,
in front of your eyes,
under your feet.
Getting to Know the Flowers
Discover them gradually.
First, look at them from a distance
and observe the landscape before you.
Then, look at the space around you,
like a painting under a painter’s brush.
What composition do you see?
What patches of colour
and combinations of elements do you notice?
Which colours dominate the surroundings?
What do you look at? What does your gaze linger on? Look under your feet.
It’s brown, grey, brown or green here.
Lift your head and see blue.
Look ahead and notice the green
or other colours between the earth and the sky.
Return your gaze to the flowers.
Get close to them.
Look at them from above.
Lie down on the ground and look at them from below. Notice what colours are inside the flowers.
What colours are at the tip of the petals? The closer you are, the more you see colours, shades, patterns.
Notice the tiny innervations and trichomes on the edges of the petals and the pollen on the stamens.
Look at the variety of colours and shapes, the combinations in harmony and juxtapositions of contrasts.

What do you feel when you interact with flowers?
Does a feeling of joy grow within you? Flowers evoke joy.
I would like to leave you now with my poem entitled Cherry blossoms:
Cherry blossoms Cherry blossoms fell to the ground Barely touched die in the palm of your hand Before the wind disperses the petals I touch with a glance A moment on the way home.