Away Way

Central to the essence of “Tao” are the principles of “following nature” and “the unity of heaven and man.” These core tenets find resonance within the thematic framework of the project, as articulated by Eckhart Tolly. Coming of age during a period characterized by rapid urbanization and a restrictive political environment in China, the artist’s enduring aspiration has been to seek an avenue of “escape” and cultivate a utopian realm within their psyche.

Employing Taoist principles and harnessing the methodologies of meditation and walking meditation as guiding forces, delving into inner reservoir of memories and yearnings, through this creative process, artist endeavors to construct a serene and childlike utopia, emblematic of their long-held dreams.

In the broader context of contemporary Chinese society, this artistic endeavor assumes a role of countering the forces of control and constraint exerted upon its denizens. It is the artist’s intention that this project, in its entirety, serves as a wellspring of resilience and inspiration, enabling the audience to liberate themselves from the grasp of powerful totalitarianism and embark on a journey of self-discovery and comprehension.

For the artist, this project signifies both a profound voyage towards inner healing and a process of dismantling and reconstructing their inner framework, seeking to bring forth a harmonious order from the depths of their soul.

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