Beyond The Wounds

*A Little Egret accidentally swallowed a Fishhook. The veterinarian from KFBG anesthetised the bird to surgically remove the fishhook. In the days following the surgery, the egret gradually regained its strength and the ability to feed independently.*

“We are merely specks within the cosmic”

Humans have always advocated the notion of coexistence with animals, but have we truly achieved it? As the most intelligent life forms on Earth, how much privilege do you think we should have over things? Are there any seemingly insignificant things that quietly bring changes to the surrounding environment? The term “coexistence” can give rise to various questions, and the key lies in finding the right balance. Humans have higher intelligence and more privileges than animals, how should we help them?

I started pondering these questions in November 2023 after the passing of my pet. It led me to start paying more attention to the small lives around me. Therefore, I conducted weekly visit at the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Wild Animal Rescue Centre from December 2023 to March 2024, documenting the process of human rescuing various wild animals.

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