November 2023



We’re wired to create, and taking photographs is a form of creation. When we take photographs, we make new things that didn’t exist before and bring to the surface things that most people never notice. This module emphasizes making photos and creatively editing them to produce the images we envision. The process of making and editing is a creative process, developing a sense of efficacy and accomplishment. This creative process may also lead to mastery or flow, the sweet spot between challenge and skill.

Objective #1

To see potential images in the world around you, and capture or make them using your camera.

Objective #2

To enjoy image composition and editing, building new skills and developing a sense of flow as youexpand your capabilities.


Dive into the Present

Take three photos right now. These photos can be anything that catches your eye or heart. The idea is to orient you to your present surroundings.

Offline but Connected

Go outside and turn off the notifications on your phone. Be present. Pay attention to your surroundings and take a walk. Take three photos of anything that makes you happy – they can be of something you think embodies beauty, hope, humor, love, connection, gratitude, or simply something that inexplicably makes you happy.

In Transit

On your commute or when you are riding transportation, again turn off your notifications and pay attention, snap three photos as above – anything that makes you happy.

Dive Deeper

Choose three photos from “CREATING” and using the Pro-Tips (next page) edit them to your satisfaction. Create the photo you want. Have fun, be brave, there is no-one judging you.

Start Anew

Explore the photo taking apps and choose an app to take three more photos. Edit those. What did you create?

Pro Tips

On your smartphone, there are a range of apps that allow you to shoot photos (like Spectre and Obscura) and edit photos (like Snapseed and Mextures) in a variety of fun, new ways. Try using these applications to extend your creativity even further, creating images that are truly unique.

Reflection Questions

  1. Did you have fun editing?
  2. Did you feel that you learned any new skills?
  3. How do you feel about the photos you took and then edited? Which one is your favorite and why?

Further Resources

AI and Photography
Art is Good For you
Let’s Get Cooking
Freezing a Moment
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