invisible threads

I am the totality of all my ancestors.
It was extremely important for me to restore the hierarchy and history of my family in order to feel this deep connection with the past. As if putting together the pieces of a priceless puzzle, I created a genealogical picture depicting my ancestors.
In this painting, red and purple threads are intertwined, symbolizing the male and female energy of my family. The red and purple circles represent male and female people. The forget–me-nots woven into the pattern are my token of gratitude and memory of my ancestors.

The red beads represent the accepted and substitute males of the genus, while the orange beads symbolize the excluded. A green bead marks my great-great-great-grandmother from the sixth generation, about whom little information has been preserved.

Along the edges of the composition there are daisies – symbols of the patriarch and matriarch of my family, guardians of family foundations and traditions.
Now this genealogical map serves as a reminder that I am a follower of a great family history.

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