Dear Friends,
This week we are spotlighting two photos because they look so good together although we love each photo separately:

In continuing with our outdoor theme of the month, we thought this article might interest our readers:
Why Outdoor Workouts May Be Better for You by Lisa Monroe
Blue Zones
It explains the myriad ways that “green exercise” (any kind of outdoor exercise) is better for you than doing the same exercise indoors. The benefits include increased positivity, self-esteem, and mood, and decreased tension, anger and anxiety. There are hints that it produces lower pulse rates, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. The extra sunlight is said to increase serotonin and Vitamin D. And much more. Do take a look if you are interested.
Now for some SeeingHappy news: we are thrilled to welcome Xena Wang to our team! You can read about Xena in the About Us section – she is a talented artist (among many other things) and particularly interested in promoting art education. We thought she was too good to let go so we invited her to join the team and here she is! We are so glad she accepted our invitation – you will hear more from her in the coming months.
Last but not least, we wanted to draw your attention to the first world happiness photo contest:
World Happiness Photo Contest 2021
Happiness Strategy Foundation
There is no entry fee and Mandy Seligman is one of the judges.
Keep sending us your happy photos!
The Team here at SeeingHappy