Happy New Year to all of you and thank you for supporting us in our first year!

As we begin the new year, let’s take a moment to remember an American comic icon who died just short of her 100th birthday– Betty White. Betty’s advice to all of us was, when possible, not to take ourselves or life too seriously. Instead she urged us to find humor in our everyday lives. Sounds like good advice- let’s all attempt to lighten our January load by trying to laugh at ourselves and life a little bit more.
In addition, this month we want to tell you about the work of Jer Clifton at the University of Pennsylvania. He researches the basic beliefs that constitute human behavior in our day to day life, and the impact these beliefs have on our well-being. It turns out that having belief in the world being a beautiful and good place serves us well: we are more likely to have high well-being if we possess this belief or “Primals” as Jer calls them.
So this month we would like to ask you all to pay attention to what makes you think the world is a beautiful and good place. For example, what makes you happy to get out of your cozy bed and head into the day? Send us a photograph and let us all share in each others’ passion for life. It just might be infectious.
The SeeingHappy Team