Dear Friends,
This week we are sharing with you a video from BBC which explains the idea of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an African philosophy which has its roots from the Nguni word of what it means to be human. It represents the idea of humans’ interrelatedness with each other and with our planet: “I am because you are. You are because we are”.
One captivating point mentioned in the clip is that 30% of the food that is grown in the world relies on bees for cross-pollination. Just imagine the wide-spread consequences if we wiped out the entire bee population due to our negligence… Ubuntu is a philosophy of life that places each person within concentric circles of others – family, friends, community, respective nation, and the planet. The philosophy of Ubuntu expresses a responsibility for all those circles.
The interconnectivity that social media and the internet provides gives us a first-hand look at how small we are in relation to the whole world. Perhaps with a small pivot, social media can become the route to raising everyones’ consciousness about the humanness of us all and the importance of taking care of humanity and this planet we call home. Ubuntu indeed!
Check out the video here:
This week we are spotlighting a gorgeous photo of Jennifer and her pup Buster:

Me and my best boy Buster connecting on the beach in Hilton Head Island.
You might be wondering why we are spotlighting this photo of a single person connecting with her dog on the beach especially after talking about the interrelatedness of all people across the globe.
Individual well-being also depends upon some time alone. Forced isolation isn’t loneliness, instead it is chosen time on your own to connect to yourself, find a little bit of peace and quiet, and think. Being alone with your thoughts can have huge healing effects and enable us to enjoy our relationships and responsibilities even more. Learn more here:
Wishing you love and support during these challenging times,
The SeeingHappy Team