
This photo was submitted some time ago. However with the ” Beautiful World + Jer’s ” theme, I felt compelled to resubmit it. The man in this photo served with the German army during WWII. He was a tank commander in the African campaign, serving under General Erwin Rommel and was captured during the British victory. At that time those captured by the British were sent to the United States. Walter ended up in Texas. However the train route took him from a Boston port out to Chicago then down to Texas. Walter was amazed at the size and beauty of this country. He said to himself,”One day I will live here”. That day came in 1947 after he had been repatriated to a destroyed Germany where he married and the couple were sponsored by a Church in New York as WWII refuges.
Walter and his wife became citizens, living the American Dream. I am so happy to have had Walter as my neighbor. Walter had a very positive attitude about life. I was saddened by his passing and think of him often and his passion for life. I shot this photo for a story that appeared in a Florida newspaper.
Walter posted the American Flag every day at his home!

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