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“The Resilient Art of Egyptian Pottery: Preserving Tradition Through Generations”

The pottery profession is considered one of the traditional crafts that struggle for the survival of the pottery industry in Egypt. It is an ancient craft that was passed down from children to grandparents. Everyone, men and women, works inside homes. Families exist to shape with their own hands the legacy of their ancestors, a craft whose roots go back to the Pharaonic era – pottery played a huge role in Egyptian culture and daily life. It has been used for various purposes, such as making vessels for storing, cooking, and serving food. The artistry and craftsmanship of Egyptian pottery has been admired for its intricate designs and vibrant colours.
* Pottery making in Sori is a family affair, with each family specializing in a particular style or technique. The knowledge and secrets of pottery making were closely guarded within the family, ensuring the preservation of its unique traditions.
* In rural Egypt, where pottery is still practiced today, families often work together in small workshops or at home. The process usually involves collecting clay from nearby sources, preparing it by removing impurities and kneading it to achieve the desired consistency.
* The clay is then shaped into different shapes using techniques such as wheel throwing, hand molding or the use of molds. After shaping the pottery, it is left to dry before being fired in kilns. Burning pottery turns it into something durable and practical.
* In recent years, there has been renewed interest in traditional Egyptian pottery.
* Many families continue to practice this craft, preserving their cultural heritage and contributing to the local economy by selling their pottery.
* In general, the pottery profession in Egyptian families is a testimony to the rich artistic and cultural heritage of Egypt. It is a craft that has stood the test of time and is still cherished and celebrated today.

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