Chapter 8: Epilogue
The Central Park Softball Leagues – A BLOG SERIES BY ALEC RILL
The softball leagues at the Heckscher fields in Central Park are the living proof that here on earth, rather close to home, in Central Park, all the elements needed to create an idyllic society, came together.
When you walk from field #1 to field #5 you feel the egalitarian history for the park:
You feel the group cohesion when you see how the players start arriving and form small groups to get the fields ready.
You feel the camaraderie when they greet each other after a week of not seeing each other.
You get a sense of peace when you see them warming up.
Your system fills with adrenaline just by seeing them play.
You see and join in the anticipation the families and spectators feel just before paly ball!
And most of all you see a group of friends who are in effect, a family, made up of every shape, size, color and socio economic status that made up the diversity we see in the park and hope that we will see it in all of NY, and dare I dream, the rest of the U.S and the world…As time passes, inevitably some players pass on. Here is a short celebration of their lives and a peek at the next generation of players ready to pick up the mantle.

1 thought on “Epilogue”
Thanks Alec for taking the time to document the history of the park. It’s great! We had a reunion for our team Hired Guns a few weeks ago. We are preparing a video for our 30th anniversary. I’ll send you the promo for it. It will come from WeTransfer. Any questions I’m at 917-770-7215. Thanks again!