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March 2022

积极有意义 Positive and Meaningful.

它是我的母校,是我学习奋斗三年的地方,每天三点一线,这栋教学楼是我学习三年的地方,也是我去往最多次的地方,也是成就我大学梦想的地方……It is my alma mater, the place where I have studied and struggled for three years, every day at three o’clock and online, this teaching building is the place where I have studied for three years, it is also the place I go to the most times, and it is also the place where my

积极有意义 Positive and Meaningful. Read More »


这是和学生会的小伙伴们拍的合照,感觉很有创意而且也很有意义。This is a photo taken with the students from the student union, which feels very creative and meaningful.

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