Seeing Mandy Seeing Happy
Seeing Mandy Seeing Happy Read More »
my best friends and I after a haunted and scary wagon ride and forest walk!
happiness can be scary Read More »
The pool functions as a moving photograph, and subtly changes as a result of its surrounding environment. This picture is an expression of gratitude for all the many photographic reflections the pool has the power to convey.
Architecture which brings the outside in always makes me feel a resounding sense of calm.
A hose coiled up like a snake makes me think of hot summer days where a heavy flow of cold water bursts its way into the pool giving anyone who comes near a nice cold surprise.
It makes me so thankful I live in a country that by its system of free enterprise is able to provide its citizens an unlimited bounty of food.
我的高中班任是物理老师,他对我学习物理有很大的帮助,到了大学我也选择了和物理有关的课程 My high school class was a physics teacher, he helped me a lot in learning physics, and when I got to university, I also chose physics-related courses.
它是我的母校,是我学习奋斗三年的地方,每天三点一线,这栋教学楼是我学习三年的地方,也是我去往最多次的地方,也是成就我大学梦想的地方……It is my alma mater, the place where I have studied and struggled for three years, every day at three o’clock and online, this teaching building is the place where I have studied for three years, it is also the place I go to the most times, and it is also the place where my
积极有意义 Positive and Meaningful. Read More »
这是和学生会的小伙伴们拍的合照,感觉很有创意而且也很有意义。This is a photo taken with the students from the student union, which feels very creative and meaningful.
I am grateful that I spent my 30s in my favorite place in the world with my favorite people🤍 magic everywhere
My 30s in my happy place Read More »