Ice crystals
Kirkenes, Norway
Sometimes we forget to look up in times of trouble.
Looking up rather than down. Read More »
I saw this happy man blasting Mexican Mariachis music in his car as he was feeding the birds. According to him what brought the birds to his car was not that he was giving them food but the fact that they like the Mariachis (I sympathize)!
Spring is coming and so are birds Read More »
生命就是冬日之后焕发生机,在寒冬中成长,在凛冽的风中冒出新芽,向阳而生。Life is to rejuvenate after winter, to grow in the cold winter, to sprout new buds in the bitter wind, and to grow towards the sun.
Beautiful sunset at night
Beautiful sunset in the afternoon Read More »
“Two things to remember in life. Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are with people.”
One of the highlights of last week’s Flower Show was the “Butterfly Exhibit” – where people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds wandered among the butterflies, with sugar-water-drenched cotton swab in-hand trying to encourage a butterfly to land on them. When it happened it was an honored privilege to have been “selected” and the “landee”
A highly anticipated connection Read More »
爸爸在海南热带雨林的树上摘下的小果,特意放在背包里,跨越了三千多公里,千里迢迢带回来给我…感受到了爸妈的爱和幸福感… The small fruit that my father picked from a tree in the tropical rainforest of Hainan, specially put it in a backpack, traveled more than 3,000 kilometers, and brought it back to me… I felt the love and happiness of my parents…
哈尔滨是一个不需要美颜与滤镜的城市,在某个下课后的傍晚,只要你留心生活,便不难发现如画一般的夕阳。都说大自然的创造的美是鬼斧神工,上帝似乎把人类一切对于傍晚的美都分给了哈尔滨,当忙碌的大学生与老师结束了一天的课程抬眼远眺,目及皆是美得不加修饰的晚霞,像极了初中时代懵懂的少年在远处怯怯地望着自己的初恋,羞涩,隐晦,更是一种难以掩盖,难以言表的幸福。Harbin is a city that does not need beauty and filters. On a certain evening after class, as long as you pay attention to your life, it is not difficult to find a picturesque sunset. It is said that the beauty created by nature is uncanny. God seems to have distributed all the beauty of
Happy students walk near Philadelphia’s City Hall
Revolution Students Read More »
今天我来到这里,看着这些树,不禁感叹道人生就像这些树一样,轮回往返。When I came here today, looking at these trees, I couldn’t help sighing that life is like these trees, reincarnation.