Outside chandeliers – I am so grateful for the resilience of our restaurant community! Philly now has beautiful outside dining 🙂
Outside chandeliers – I am so grateful for the resilience of our restaurant community! Philly now has beautiful outside dining 🙂
This image was captured from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. I had never before had such an expansive view of the city and was grateful to have been brought there. While staring across the cityscape, I could not help but relish in the sense of community and togetherness that can only be
The City From Above Read More »
I enjoy walking along the beach at all times of the day.The water gives up many treasures. Saw this chunk of wood and wondered how far it had traveled before resting here on the Cape May Beach. Where did it start its journey? How did it break loose? I love to find things that have
I am grateful for the path that my life is taking, much of which is from making choices from my heart and much from surrendering to forces greater than me that guide me through times of uncertainty.
My father’s favorite plant for his garden – I think of him whenever I see one and know that he is always with me in my heart.
An annual tradition that I wouldn’t miss for the world
Mother-Daughter Day Read More »
Many beautiful forms, both of nature and crafted, at the Flower Show today.
Contrasting elements Read More »
Today I went to the Philadelphia Flower Show with my mother – an annual tradition for many, many years except last year. Many fun, beautiful and sweet moments, such as this fairy garden.
Shot this during the height of the Covid shutdown. Usually this street located in a resort town is bustling with vehicle and bicycle traffic at the time this image was made. The Pandemic provided the street an opportunity to pause from its normal hustle and bustle giving this tranquil scene.
This Happy image maker begins his days with a few sips from this mug. It provides the stimulus for me to get motivated! It often gives me inspiration to try something creative with my camera. Once in a while it might succeed! If not, I can always enjoy the warmth of the coffee!
Yesterday, while I was running in the sports park, I saw the colorful flowers besides the running road. They are so beautiful and amazing, which makes me happy ,finaly I stopped and took the pictures for them.
Captured this shot during a parade. These ladies are members of a senior Twirlers club at a Florida retirement community. Most members once performed at their high schools! The exuberance they display shows the Gratitude they have for the folks that came out to watch them strut and demonstrate they can relive a former happy
Our family pet, Biscuit sits regally as he is being chauffeured from his scheduled grooming session. He is the epitome of happiness and it is contagious, affecting those around him! Maslow might agree he fits well within his famous theory. I can vouch for the fact Biscuit has obtained Self Actualization in his 18 years
小院雨中带水珠的月季花别有一番情调 The rose flowers with drops of water in the rain in the small courtyard have a special sentiment.
小院雨中的月季花,带着水珠,别有一番情调。惊讶黄龙沙宝石月季花上有一只蜜蜂雨中在采蜜。I was surprised that a bee was collecting honey in the rain